
Frequently Asked Questions :: Account & Billing

Why have I been sent an overdue reminder?

If you've been sent an overdue reminder it means one, or more, of your invoices is now past the due date. Please log into the Control Panel and pay any oustanding invoices that you may have. If you can't find any outstanding invoices please get in touch.

Why do my invoices gave a charge for GST?

GST (goods and services tax) is compulsory in New Zealand so all residents and business must pay it. However, if you, or your business, are not based in New Zealand and you do not pay tax here, you do not need to pay GST.

Disabling GST on your account can be done through the Control Panel. Once logged in, click 'My Account' and then the 'Address Details' menu option.

You will then be presented with the address details screen as shown below. On this screen enter your full current address, including the country. If the address is outside of New Zealand you will be presented with a checkbox at the bottom of the form which when ticked applies GST to your account. Simply un-tick this and you will not be charged GST on any future transactions.

Can I change who invoices are sent to?

Yes, you can. We use Contact Roles to target communications and functionality to your Account Contacts. An invoice will be emailed to all contacts that have been assigned the "Accounts" Role.

So if you want to change who receives invoices just enable or disable the Accounts role against the relevant Contact Details. See instructions on how to do this in the Account Contacts article.

Why do you charge credit card transaction fees?

We appreciate that credit card fees are annoying, and while we would prefer not to charge them we are charged processing fees by the banks and credit card companies. Rest assured when we're no longer charged these fees, you won't be either.

If you would like to avoid these fees, you can always pay by direct debit.

Can I stop my credit card being automatically charged?

If you would prefer that we don't charge your credit card you can either set up direct debit for automatic payments or pay the outstanding invoice by direct credit before the due date. Invoices are usually due on the 20th of the month following the invoice issue date.

To make a payment use our bank details found here. Please include your customer number and invoice number in the reference field so we can identify your payment. Note that we still require a valid credit card to be on file for your account for security reasons.

If you have any questions around billing please get in touch.

What are SiteHost's bank account details?

When making any payments to us please include your customer number and invoice number. It makes it much easier to identify your payment and ensure it is applied to the correct account!

Bank Details (New Zealand Payments)

Bank: KiwiBank Limited
Account Name: SiteTech Solutions Limited t/a SiteHost
Account Number: 38-9005-0411125-00

Bank Details (International Payments)

Beneficiary: SiteTech Solutions Limited t/a SiteHost
Bank: KiwiBank Limited
Address: Level 9, 20 Customhouse Quay, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand
Bank Account: 38-9005-0411125-00
Swift Code: KIWINZ22 (Or KIWINZ22XXX if the field requires 11 characters)

Please note that you may also need to provide your Account Number, your Full Name and your Street Address. If you have any questions about making a payment to us please contact us.