The Domain Name System (DNS) is a hierarchical distributed naming system for computers, services, or any resource connected to a network. DNS is used to associate host names and their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses.
Using DNS means that human friendly names, such as "" can be used to locate a host, rather than using the IP address ( or xxxx:x:xxx:xxx::xx).
DNS data is divided into manageable sets of data called zones. Zones contain name and IP address information about one or more parts of a DNS domain. A server that contains all of the information for a zone is the authoritative server for the domain - often referred to as the Name Server.
In practical terms DNS Zones allow you to link your domain with email servers, web servers, and as addresses for hosts and devices.
With SiteHost you can control the DNS settings for any domain that is using the SiteHost Name Servers. Follow these steps to create a DNS Zone:
Always be careful when deleting a DNS Zone, they can't be restored and any existing services using the zone will stop working. When you're ready you can follow these steps:
Deleting a DNS Zone will stop all services linked to the domain if it is using the Sitehost Name Servers.
DNS Zone records can be transferred automatically from one account to another. This can be done if the following requirements are met:
If the requirements are met then the following steps can assist in creating the DNS Zone records:
The DNS Zone records should then be transferred from the previous account to yours.