
ServerPilot on SiteHost

You have one or several PHP application(s), and you dream of being able to run them on different PHP versions without spending a large amount of time configuring your server manually? Then you should definitely go for ServerPilot as it will help you deploy your application quickly.

How does it work? Just fire up a new VPS in your Control Panel, connect to it via SSH, run a command which will be given to you by ServerPilot and you are all set.


You will need:

  1. A Linux VPS running Ubuntu 18.04 or latest.
  2. A ServerPilot account.


Please follow these steps:

  1. Create a Linux VPS in the SiteHost Control Panel and connect to it in SSH.
  2. Login to ServerPilot and create an account if necessary. Click on Connect a Server. ServerPilot: step 2-1
  3. In the Server Name type the name of the server you want to be appearing in the ServerPilot console and hit Start. ServerPilot: step 2-2
  4. You will now be shown a command that you need to run on your server in the terminal you previously opened. ServerPilot: step 2-3 If there are no errors, you will be able to see a confirmation within your terminal and the page on ServerPilot’s website will also be automatically refreshed showing stats for your server.
  5. It is now time for you to create your app. Click the New App button which should have appeared at the end of the install. ServerPilot: step 3-1
  6. Enter a name for you app, and specify the domain name it is suppose to respond to (make sure the domain name point to this server). ServerPilot installs three differents version of PHP, select the one you want. In the Server field, select the one you have just installed. Leave the system user as it is and hit the button Create App. ServerPilot: step 3-2 You'll now be able to see all the details about your APP and through this screen, you can install SSL, create databases and change the PHP version.
  7. Last step is to upload your code to the server. You can connect to it using the System User 'serverpilot'. On the app detail page click on it to update the password (1). Once it is updated, connect to your server with this username and upload your code in the Web Root Directory (2). ServerPilot: step 4-1
  8. Browse your website!

In case you have troubles with ServerPilot you can find some documentation here :