
Bandwidth Usage & Alerts

The Bandwidth module is used if you have IP addresses assigned to your account. Customers who have a server with SiteHost will see their IP addresses listed here.

List Bandwidth Usage

The Bandwidth module shows international and domestic bandwidth used by all IP addresses assigned to your account. You can enter the module by clicking the Bandwidth link in the left menu, you will be shown a list of all IP addresses assigned to your account, and the bandwidth usage in tabular format. You can click on an IP address to drill down and view graphs of your bandwidth usage

Add Bandwidth Alert

  1. When logged in to the Control Panel click Bandwidth in the left menu.
  2. Click the Create Alert button in the top left.
  3. Select an IP address or check the box for all IPs.
  4. Specify the alert limit.
  5. Specify the time period for the alert.
  6. Select a contact group to be notified about the bandwidth alert.
  7. Click Create Alert to add the bandwidth alert.

Edit Bandwidth Alert

  1. When logged in to the Control Panel click Bandwidth in the left menu.
  2. Select the Bandwidth Alerts navigation tab.
  3. Find the alert wish to edit and click the More Actions icon (᛫᛫᛫) on that row.
  4. Select Manage from the dropdown menu.
  5. Edit the detail(s) you want to change in the form.
  6. Click Update Alert to save your changes.

Remove Bandwidth Alert

  1. When logged in to the Control Panel click Bandwidth in the left menu.
  2. Select the Bandwidth Alerts navigation tab.
  3. Find the alert wish to remove and click the More Actions icon (᛫᛫᛫) on that row.
  4. Select Delete from the dropdown menu.
  5. Confirm you want to remove the alert by clicking Delete Alert in the modal pop up.

Automatic Bandwidth Alerts

When provisioning a new server, we will automatically setup bandwidth alerts. These bandwidth alerts correspond to your international and national bandwidth quotas. We will add the default contact group, "Bandwidth Monitoring", to these alerts if possible. This way, you'll always get a notification if you reach your maximum quota for the month.

We provide everyone with a contact group called "Bandwidth Monitoring", appended with your client number. This contact group contains the default contact for your account, and can be modified like any other contact group.

If you remove the "Bandwidth Monitoring" group, then the alerts will still be created - but they will not have an assigned contact group. You will need to assign this yourself manually, following the steps listed on this page.

Extra Bandwidth Costs

Most plans will have an allocated quota for International bandwidth measured in gigabytes (GB). International traffic used over and above the traffic included in your plan will be charged at $0.10 + GST per gigabyte.

SiteHost provides 'unmetered' national bandwidth in New Zealand. We frequently get asked what this means, particularly as you are now able to see your national bandwidth usage in the SiteHost Control Panel. For the majority of our customers, you will be able to enjoy the speed and performance of our network without needing to worry about it. We are very well connected at a national level, our core network runs at gigabit speeds. We operate on an open peering policy & peer at all the major peering exchanges. We also have private peering agreements in place with other domestic ISP's to ensure that we are able to provide the very best performance & network uptime possible, even at times of peak demand.

So When Would You Start Metering (and Charging) for National Bandwidth?

Everyone knows that there is no such thing as 'unlimited' hosting or bandwidth, and your free national bandwidth is subject to a fair-use policy so we can ensure service levels are sustainable. As long as your usage is below 1000GB of national bandwidth per month you need not worry.

If you need to use over 2000GB per month of national bandwidth please get in touch with us to discuss your requirements further.